About the Journal

        The scientific and theoretical journal "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" is a periodical scientific publication and has been published since 2000. The founder and publisher of the journal is the "Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism". The journal is registered with the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan-Certificate No. 13039-Z of 20.09.2012 (initial registration-No. 969-Z of May 14, 1999). ISSN 2306-5540/
        By order of the Committee for control in the field of education and science of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No 776 (29.10.21), the journal is included in the list of publications for publishing the main scientific results of scientific activities and dissertations.
        The scientific and theoretical journal "Theory and Methods of Physical Education" is indexed in the following scientometric databases and catalogs:
         Kazakhstan citation database - https://nauka.kz/page.php?page_id=795&lang_id=1
        The Russian index of scientific citing (RISC) — https://elibrary.ru/title_about_new.asp?id=55862
        Articles are assigned a digital object identifier (DOI) for unique and permanent online identification of the journal content and links on the Internet. (DOI prefix: 10.48114).

To check articles for the presence of illegal borrowings, the “Software system for detecting text borrowings in educational and scientific works “Antiplagiat-Kazakhstan.VUZ” is used. License agreement No. 7669.

        The journal publishes the results of scientific research on topical issues of fundamental and applied research in the field of sport, physical education, and tourism in the following areas:
        1. Training of specialists in the field of physical education, sport, and tourism.
        2. Medico-biological problems of physical education.
        3. Psychological problems of physical education.
        4. Physical education of the population.
        5. Theory and methodology of sports training.
        6. Theory and methodology of active types of tourism.
        Materials are published in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages.  

Articles by foreign authors (without participation of Kazakh specialists in the team of authors) are published free of charge.