The content of a personalized approach to training and competitive activities in Qazaq kuresi
Qazaq kuresi, examination, testing, standards, technical preparedness, individual styleAbstract
The authors put under a general umbrella the organizational problems of individual training among athletes with majors in Qazaq kuresi, justify the need to conduct investigations and medical, biological and pedagogical research for the purpose of scientific and methodological support of training and competitive activities in order to obtain objective data on the functional and physical state of an athlete, the level of his or her physical condition, the reaction of the cardiovascular system to training loads of various muscular power and directions, by applying appropriate portable equipment; the pilot methods for assessing various aspects of athletes’ physical condition, which are of practical use in Qazaq kuresi, are described; data on the standards of physical condition of men and women, who are involved in Qazaq kuresi at the level of the top sport mastery, are presented. The article displays an analysis of the assessment variability for the technical activities of Qazaq kuresi athletes during their participation in a republican sporting competition.