Editorial Policy


of the scientific and theoretical journal

"Theory and methodology of physical education»


1. General provisions

1.1 The printed edition of the scientific-theoretical journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" is a periodical scientific publication and has been published since 2000. The journal is registered with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Certificate No. 13039 – Zh. dated 20.09.2012 (initial registration - № 969 – Zh. dated May 14, 1999).

1.2 By order of the Committee for Control in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 284 dated February 24, 2017, the journal was included in the list of publications for publishing the main scientific results of scientific activity and dissertations.

1.3 The main goal of the journal is to provide an opportunity for the scientific community and practitioners to publish the results of their research, to draw attention to promising and relevant areas covering the functioning of the system of physical culture, sports, and tourism, to enhance the exchange of views between the scientific community of Kazakhstan and foreign countries.

 1.4 The objectives of the journal: the reflection of the results of research, scientific-practical and experimental activities of scientists, young researchers - doctoral students, undergraduates, teachers who are actively involved in scientific and innovative activities; promotion of the main achievements of domestic and world industrial science in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism; identification of scientific potential for the development and use of advanced scientific achievements.

1.5 The journal adheres to the principle of compliance of published scientific articles (including reviews) with the stated purpose and the thematic direction of the journal. It is obligatory to have articles by foreign authors, as well as articles in foreign languages ​​(including in English) in each issue of the journal.

1.6 The printed format of the journal and the principle of open access on the Internet resource (site) allows providing the widest coverage of the readers and authors' audience. The archive of the journal on the site has been formed since 2012.

1.7 Materials of articles are published in Kazakh, Russian, and English languages.

1.8 The journal publishes articles in the following areas:

  1. Training of specialists in the field of physical education, sport, and tourism.
  2. Medical and biological problems of physical education.
  3. Psychological problems of physical education.
  4. Physical education of the population.
  5. Theory and methodology of sports training.
  6. Theory and methodology of active types of tourism.

1.9 The following types of articles are accepted in the journal:

  1. Theoretical articles- a theoretical article is written based on a literature review and existing theories and concepts on the problem.
  2. Review articles- a review article contains an analysis of the available literature on the problem and must have an extensive list of references, which must include at least 30% of foreign sources.
  3. Research articles- a research article is an empirical study that has a problem statement, a rationale for the need for this research, and the research has scientific logic and validity. Such an article should contain a description of research methods and their results.
  4. Methodological articles - the article should contain an analysis of the literature on the use of various methods, justification of the need to develop a new methodology, and necessarily the results of the methodology testing.

1.10 According to the journal's policy, authors are charged a fee for preparing an article for publication. Payment for the publication of an article is carried out only after the editorial office informs about acceptance for publication and is made according to the invoice sent by the editorial board. Payment for the publication of withdrawn (retracted) articles is not refundable.

1.11 Only two articles by the author or an identical group of co-authors are accepted for publication.

 1.12 Articles submitted for publication in the journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" should not be under consideration in other journals at the time of admission.

1.13 The frequency of the journal's edition. The journal is published 4 times a year (quarterly). Articles are published as soon as they are ready in the issue in which they were received. If the work with the article takes a long time for one reason or another, by the decision of the editorial board it can be postponed to the next issue.

1.14 Indexing in scientometric and bibliographic databases, DOI. The scientific-theoretical journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" is indexed in the following scientometric databases and catalogs:

Kazakhstan citation base


Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)


Articles are assigned a DOI digital object identifier for unique and permanent online identification of journal content and links on the Internet.


  1. Legal obligations of the editorial board of the journal

2.1 The chief editor of the scientific journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" is personally and independently responsible for making a decision on publication, taking into account the opinion of the editorial review board. The decision to publish is always based on the reliability of the work and its scientific importance. In his work, the chief editor is guided by the editorial policy of the journal, taking into account the current legal requirements concerning copyright, legality, and plagiarism.

2.2 The chief editor has the right to consult with other members of the editorial review board and reviewers during deciding on publication.

2.3 The chief editor should evaluate the intellectual content of manuscripts regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, origin, citizenship, or political preferences of the authors.

2.4 The chief editor, the executive editor, and the editorial review board of the journal undertake not to disclose unnecessary information about the accepted manuscript to third parties, except for authors, reviewers.

2.5 Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained during the review and associated with potential dividends must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.

  1. 3. Responsibilities of the authors

3.1 Authors should provide only well-tried trustworthy results of original research and their objective discussion.

3.2 Authors may be requested to provide raw data relevant to the manuscript for review. Authors should be prepared to provide public access to this kind of information.

3.3 Authors must submit to the editorial office the original work, and in the case of using statements and/or works of other authors, to indicate citations and the exact bibliographic references according to the existing general rules properly.

3.4 The author should not post as an original publication a manuscript describing the same research (or part of it) in more than one journal. Submitting the same manuscript to multiple journals at the same time is a violation of ethics.

3.5 Co-authors of the publication can only be persons who have made a significant contribution to the formation of the research concept, its development, execution, or interpretation of the results.

3.6 All research participants who have made a significant contribution to it must agree with the composition of the co-authorship team, and all co-authors must read and approve the final version of the publication.

  1. Copyright

4.1 The copyright for scientific articles published in the journal belongs to their authors. Submitting an article for publication in the scientific-theoretical journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" implies that the author (group of authors) agrees to register the scientific article in the system of the Crossref Registration Agency.

  1. Publication ethics.

5.1 The editorial review board of the journal is guided in its activity by the principles of professionalism, objectivity, scientific character, impartiality. Authors, members of the editorial review board, chief editor, and deputy editor-in-chief, and executive editor of the journal have appropriate ethical obligations related to the preparation of a scientific publication and the dissemination of the results of scientific research. Interaction of the editorial staff with authors is based on the principles of transparency, honesty, politeness, fairness, and objectivity.

5.2 The publishing house of the journal in its activities relies on the regulatory framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan, materials of the International Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), the Declaration "Ethical Principles of Scientific Publications" of the Association of Scientific Editors and Publishers.

5.3 The published research results must be obtained under ethical standards without violating the law and copyright.

5.4 Authors should use reliable and proven methods for analyzing and processing data, as well as methods for displaying results and describing the research methodology, indicating the origin of equipment and materials, methods of statistical data processing, and other methods to ensure reproducibility.

5.5 Authors are collectively responsible for the content of their publications and must carefully check their materials at each stage of work to ensure that all methods and results are described correctly. Authors should check calculations, formulas, tables, and graphic materials.

5.6 Authors must publish their results honestly, without falsification or misrepresentation of results. Images obtained as a result of the research should not be modified.

5.7 The manuscript must be reviewed confidentially. Reviewers are notified that the manuscripts sent to them are the intellectual property of the authors and refer to information that is not subject to disclosure. By submitting a manuscript for review, authors entrust the reviewers with the results of their scientific work and creative efforts, on which their reputation and career may depend.

5.8 Unethical behavior is the actions of authors, editors, or publishers associated with the independent provision of reviews of their articles, contractual and pseudo-peer review,  using agency services for publishing the results of scientific research, falsifying the composition of authors’ team, publishing pseudoscientific texts, transferring article texts to other journals without approval with authors, transfer of materials by authors to third parties, violation of copyright and the principle of confidentiality of editorial processes, manipulation of citation, plagiarism, falsification, and fabrication.

      6.  Reviewing

6.1 Articles published in the journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" are subject to mandatory reviewing of scientific papers by scientists or specialists on the relevant subject with the use of blind peer review to ensure the quality of the published article, correctness and reliability of the presentation of the results.

6.2 The decision to publish is made by the editorial board of the journal based on checking the article for the presence of borrowed material without reference to the author and reviews containing expert assessments of the reviewers, taking into account the compliance of the submitted materials with the requirements of the journal, thematic focus of scientific significance and relevance of the materials received by the editorial board.

6.3 The review must contain a qualified analysis of the article material and its objective assessment. Reviewers give a recommendation (positive or negative) regarding the possibility of publishing the article and/or make recommendations for improving the article. In case of a positive opinion of the reviewers, the article is accepted for publication.

6.4 Reviewers cannot be the authors (co-authors) of the reviewed article.

  • Requirements for the content of the review:

The review can be made both in free form and in the form recommended by the publisher.

1.The review should contain a qualified analysis of the article material, an objective, reasoned assessment, and substantiated recommendations.

2.In the review, special attention should be paid to the coverage of the following issues:

Analysis of the relevance of the topic and the scientific level of the article.

Compliance with the content of the article with its title.

Assessment of the readiness of the article for publication to the language and style, compliance with the established requirements for the design of the article materials.

The scientific nature of the presentation, the correspondence of the methods, techniques, recommendations, and research results used by the author to modern scientific achievements.

Adequacy and rationality of the volume of the article as a whole and its elements (text, illustrative material, bibliographic references). The expediency of placing illustrative material in the article (drawings, photographs, diagrams, diagrams) and its compliance with the stated topic.

The comments and wishes of the reviewer should be objective and principled, aimed at improving the scientific level of the article.

  1. The final part of the review should contain reasonable conclusions about the article as a whole and a clear (unambiguous) recommendation about the expediency or inexpediency of its publication or comments that allow the author to make corrections.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    7. Responsibilities of reviewers

7.1 Any selected reviewer who feels insufficiently qualified to review the manuscript or does not have enough time to quickly complete the work, must notify the publishing editor of the journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" and ask him to exclude him from the review process of the corresponding manuscript.

7.2 Any manuscript received for review should be treated as a confidential document. This work cannot be opened and discussed with anyone not authorized by the editor.

7.3 The reviewer is obliged to give an objective assessment. Personal criticism of the author is unacceptable. Reviewers should express their opinions clearly and reasonably.

7.4 Reviewers should identify significant published works that are relevant to the topic and not included in the bibliography of the manuscript. Any statement (observation, conclusion, or argument), published earlier and corresponding to the topic, must have a corresponding bibliographic reference in the manuscript. The reviewer should also draw the editor's attention to any significant similarity or coincidence between the manuscript and any other published work within the scope of the reviewer's scientific competence.

  1. Anti-plagiarism

8.1 Before publication in the journal, all articles are checked for borrowings.

8.2 From the point of view of the publisher, plagiarism is:

- use of any materials in any volume without indicating the source;

- use of images, drawings, photographs, tables, graphs, diagrams, and any other forms of graphic types of information without specifying the source;

- use without written permission of materials, the authors or copyright holders of which prohibit the use of their materials without special consent.

8.3 Detection of plagiarism in an article is a direct reason for refusal to publish.

8.4 When the verification system fixes an artificially generated text (text obtained with the help of artificial intelligence) for the presence of illegal borrowings, the article is rejected from consideration by the editorial board.

  1. Retraction and respond to significant errors in published works

9.1 In case of violation by the author of the norms of publication ethics, detection of incorrect borrowings, duplicate publications, as well as in many other cases, the editorial board of the journal may resort to recalling the article. Withdrawing text from a publication is a mechanism for correcting published information and notifying readers that a publication contains serious flaws or erroneous data that cannot be trusted. Inaccurate data may be the result of good faith misconception or willful misconduct.

9.2 Reasons for revoking the article:

- detection of incorrect borrowing (plagiarism) in the publication;

- duplication of articles in several publications;

- detection of falsifications or fabrications in the work (for example, falsification of experimental data);

- detection of serious errors in the work (for example, incorrect interpretation of the results), which casts doubt on its scientific value;

- incorrect composition of authors (no one deserves to be an author; persons who do not meet the criteria for authorship are included);

- hidden conflict of interest (and other violations of publication ethics);

- the article did not pass the review procedure.

9.3 The editorial board of the journal must inform the author (the lead author in the case of collective authorship) about the withdrawal of the article and justify its reasons.

9.4 If the author finds significant errors or inaccuracies in the publication, the author must inform the editor about this and interact with the editor to promptly withdraw the publication or correct errors. If the editor has received information from a third party that the publication contains material errors, the author is obliged to remove the work or correct the errors as soon as possible.

9.5 The editor who finds conclusive evidence that the statements or conclusions presented in the publication are incorrect should take steps to promptly notify changes, withdraw the publication, raise concerns and other relevant statements.

  1. Stages of the editorial process.

10.1 Publication of materials in the scientific-theoretical journal "Theory and methodology of physical education" is carried out using the Open Journal                  System - a system of online submission and review of scientific articles. Registration or authorization is available in the "Make a submission" section.

The website of the journal is http://tmfk.kz/.

Direct link: http: //

10.2 There are several stages of the editorial process from the receipt of the article to the editorial office to publication:

- A preliminary check is carried out by the chief editor and executive editor of the journal. At this stage, the article is checked for incorrect borrowings and compliance with the formal and technical requirements of the journal. Based on the results of a preliminary check, the article is either sent for peer review, or comments are sent to the author.

-Reviewing. The article is reviewed by members of the editorial review board of the journal and external reviewers involved. The article is sent for reviewing only after making corrections based on the comments of the chief editor and executive editor (if any).

10.3 If it is necessary to revise the article, according to the comments and recommendations of the reviewer, a review is sent to the authors' account (without specifying information about the reviewer).

10.4 After making additions and changes, the article is sent by the author for re-checking, and the editorial staff sends the revised article for a second round of reviewing. At the end of the review process, the editorial staff informs the author of the result.

  1. Disclosure policy and conflicts of interest

11.1 Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts cannot be used in personal research without the written consent of the author. Information or ideas obtained during the review and associated with potential dividends must be kept confidential and not used for personal advantage.

11.2 Reviewers should not participate in the review of manuscripts in the event of conflicts of interest due to competitive, joint and other interactions and relationships with any of the authors, companies, or other organizations associated with the submitted work.

11.3 All authors are required to disclose in their manuscripts financial or other existing conflicts of interest that may be perceived to have influenced the results or conclusions of the work.