Ethno-cultural life of Old Believers of East Kazakhstan in the XVIII th- XXI st centuries


  • Lidia Turova Kazakh-American Free University



Old Believers, traditions, religious tourism, culture, morals, East Kazakhstan


This article examines a unique phenomenon of Orthodox religious culture that has become widespread in the territory of the Russian Empire - the Old Believers. It is expected that the study of this cultural layer will contribute to the development of cultural and educational tourism. The author has identified the reasons for the appearance of Old Believers in Altai and eastern Kazakhstan in the 18th century. The Old Believers are distinguished by their conservatism in the religious aspect, however, representatives of this movement were successfully able to preserve their unique culture, relying on deep historical memory. The Old Believers are divided into various “accords” and “tales”, but in general they are united by some common religious postulates. The question of preserving the traditions and morals of the Old Believers without forcing young people to this religious faith seems relevant. To solve this problem it is necessary to involve specialists in religious studies and theology, museum workers who will contribute to the development of religious tourism in the region in order to preserve both the material and spiritual culture of the Old Believers in the region.



How to Cite

Турова, Л. (2024). Ethno-cultural life of Old Believers of East Kazakhstan in the XVIII th- XXI st centuries. Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality, 5(2), 38–43.



Excursion and local history activities in the world and Kazakhstan