The African continent as a promising destination for kazakhstani tourists
destination, route, expedition, slave trade, protectorate, Franco-Prussian conflictAbstract
This article is devoted to the history of equatorial African countries – the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The immediate objective of this work is an attempt to familiarize travel agents and tour operators of Kazakhstan with little-known new tourist destinations, which are currently far from the center of attention of our tourists. Realizing that the interest in new places for Kazakhstan will definitely advance the tourist offer, the author considered it advisable to briefly review the colonial conquests of Africa. To recall the names of the main active political figures and pioneers and tried to recreate the atmosphere of events that took place in Europe and the African land in the period 1870-1885. One of the main components of this work is the analysis of the studies of the "Black Continent" by Pierre de Brazza. Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of Congo, still bears his name. The desire of every nation to honor the memory of its heroes, in this case the French, is understandable, as is the attitude of the Spaniards to Ferdinand Cortez and Hernan Pizarro, or the Russians to Ermak or General M. Skobelev. Were these once powerful people heroes or villains – these questions remain relevant today. Today, when the words colonizer and occupier began a rapid conceptual convergence, it is important for future guides and group leaders to have their own knowledge of the history of the Congo, probably not always and not everywhere accessible to an ordinary Kazakhstani tourist.