Methods and methods of increasing the effectiveness of regional policy in the field of physical culture and sports (on the example of the Kyzylorda region)


  • Olzhas Akimov Кахская академия спорта и туризма
  • Aibol Kulbayev Дене шынықтыру және бұқаралық спорт академиясы, Астана қ., Қазақстан
  • Ryskul Lesbekova Кахская академия спорта и туризма



physical culture and sports, regional policy, managers, management.


The article presents the results of studying methods and ways to improve the effectiveness of regional policy in the field of physical culture and sports (on the example of the Kyzylorda region). The low professional competence of the heads of various physical culture and sports collectives, including the first heads of physical education institutions, was revealed, which prompted us to organize a pedagogical experiment related to improving their managerial competence. So, by the beginning of the pedagogical experiment organized by us, administrative and entrepreneurial skills were well developed in expert groups, which included directors of sports educational institutions and their deputies and specialists of regional departments of physical culture. However, the skills of a creative approach to business and the skills of creating a comfortable environment in the team were not developed. By the end of the pedagogical experiment, favorable changes took place in all groups, which were expressed in a more uniform development of administrative, industrial, creative and communicative competencies. As indirect evidence of the effectiveness of the pedagogical experiment, it is possible to indicate an improvement in the indicators of social statistics. Thus, during the period of the experiment, an increase in the number of people engaged in physical culture and sports, including children, was revealed in the region; the number of physical culture and sports events and the number of citizens participating in them increased; the number of sports instructors increased.



How to Cite

Акимов , . О., Құлбаев, А., & Лесбекова , Р. (2022). Methods and methods of increasing the effectiveness of regional policy in the field of physical culture and sports (on the example of the Kyzylorda region). Theory and Methods of Physical Education, 70(4), 67–76.

