Digital technologies for the formation of managerial competence of future physical education teachers
дене мәдениеті, басқару, басқарушылық құзыреттілік, цифрлық технология, болашақ дене мәдениеті педагогы, спорт.Abstract
The article deals with the problem of forming the managerial culture of a future physical education
teacher. The author tried to reveal the meaning of the concept of “managerial competence” based
on the analysis of scientific, pedagogical, psychological, special, methodological literature. As the
analysis of scientific research shows, it is important for a modern physical education teacher to reflect
on his activities, analyze and, based on this, make decisions on self-improvement and search for ways
to improve the means of his professional activity. Scientists characterize managerial competence as
managerial intelligence associated with emotional creativity and leadership styles. Based on the
analysis of scientific papers, the applicant tried to formulate his vision and definition for the concept
of “managerial competence of a future physical education teacher”. The author studied the foreign
experience of training personnel in the field of sports management and physical education in order to
form the managerial culture of the future teacher of physical education. To form the managerial culture
of the future physical education teacher, the experience of using digital technologies is given, which
increased its importance during online training.