Study of the dynamics of physical fitness of basketball students in the annual training cycle


  • Bauyrzhan Zaurenbekov Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Maxat Irgebaev Қазақ спорт және туризм академиясы, Алматы қ., Қазақстан
  • Dinara Zhunusbek Қазақ спорт және туризм академиясы, Алматы қ., Қазақстан
  • March Akhmetkarim Қазақ спорт және туризм академиясы, Алматы қ., Қазақстан
  • Ruslan Abeuov Қазақ спорт және туризм академиясы, Алматы қ., Қазақстан



physical qualities, basketball student, team, physical fitness, training process.


The article deals with the issue of training basketball students in the conditions of a university. The approaches to the training process proposed in the scientific literature are not always suitable for university teams. Therefore, modern basketball requires new approaches and methods of preparation and formation of teams, taking into account the study time of students. Taking into account the relevance of these issues, the effectiveness of managing the preparation of athletes with the approbation in the training process of sets of exercises aimed at developing the physical qualities of basketball players in the conditions of studying at a university, and to assess the dynamics of physical training in two mesocycles, depending on the characteristics of the preparatory stages.In the experimental group, in accordance with the annual plan of the training process, a set of exercises for speed and strength training was developed, included in the structure of the annual macrocycle.The analysis of the activity of the university coaches showed that special attention is paid to the technical and tactical training of basketball students, and the issue of the development of physical qualities is usually relegated to the background.This article presents research and scientific substantiation of the peculiarities of the influence of the training process, taking into account the control of the level of physical fitness of student basketball teams in 2 mesocycles of the speed-power direction in the annual training cycle.



How to Cite

Зауренбеков, Б., Иргебаев , М. И., Жүнісбек , Д. Н., Ахметкарим , М., & Абеков , Р. Б. (2023). Study of the dynamics of physical fitness of basketball students in the annual training cycle. Theory and Methods of Physical Education, 71(1), 159–165.




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