Multi-stage planning tools and methods pedagogical impact in teaching martial arts to students of higher educational institutions
martial arts, ju-jutsu, student youth, higher education institution, planning.Abstract
The existence of martial arts in the modern changing world is not without paradox for the consciousness of managers in the field of physical culture and sports. It would seem that part of the culture, mostly eastern, alien to the sports world and especially the Olympic, should dictate its most stringent conditions and norms. However, walking lightly across all countries and continents, martial arts prove that they are not an insurmountable obstacle to mastering them. They are based on therapeutic and health-improving gymnastics, martial arts, the system of hand-to-hand combat of special forces “for official use” and self-defense for training women, children and the elderly. At the same time, the “harmony” fundamental for the East reveals a close connection with the extraordinary adaptability of martial arts to the changing reality that is clearly manifested in our time. That ability to quickly restore physical and mental balance, characteristic of martial arts masters. Such a large-scale approach to the study of martial arts requires a new approach to planning the means and methods of pedagogical influence, which are discussed in the article.