About use of methodological techniques of showing and telling during excursions


  • Oleg Lyuterovich Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism
  • Zhaxybekova Dinara Kazakh Academy of Sport and Tourism




culture of speech, methodological techniques of showing, methodological techniques of telling, guide, tour guide, WFTGA (World Federation of Associations of Tourist Guides)


The article is devoted to an urgent topic, which is considered by us in a number of publications of this journal and touches upon the issues of preparation for the professional activities tour guides and guides. In this area, in addition to systemic problems, which we can designate as external factors, there are many internal factors that hinder the professional development of tourism entities engaged in the presentation of objects of tourist interest. Among them, perhaps, in the first place is the misunderstanding, and often the rejection by the new generation of "tourist guides" of the importance and value of the classical excursion theory. By the way, it is precisely the tools that this science equips us with that enable this category of specialists to effectively solve their tasks. Therefore, in this article, which is of an applied nature, we present specific situations in which these tools are used, supporting them with live examples from our own practice. We also give recommendations to teachers of guided tours on how to structure the presentation of their material didactically correctly, in order to clearly convey it to students and trainees of courses who comprehend the field of sightseeing.



How to Cite

Лютерович, О., & Динара, Ж. (2024). About use of methodological techniques of showing and telling during excursions. Tourism, Leisure and Hospitality, 6(3), 26–32. https://doi.org/10.59649/2959-5185-2024-3-26-32



Excursion and local history activities in the world and Kazakhstan