Peculiarities of Periodization of Training Loads of Student Youth at Different Stages of Practicing Martial Art Ju-Jutsu

Дзю-дзюцу жекпе-жек өнерінің әртүрлі кезеңдеріндегі студент жастардың жаттығу жүктемелерін кезеңдеудің ерекшеліктері


  • Alexander Orlov Казахский Национальный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан
  • Aliya Eselbaeva Казахский Национальный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан
  • Dina Abdykadyrova Казахский Национальный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан
  • Danara Tauasarova Казахский Национальный женский педагогический университет, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан
  • Kairat Tutibaev Казахский Национальный педагогический университет им. Абая, г. Алматы, Республика Казахстан



martial arts, ju-jutsu, student youth, higher educational institution, periodization of the volume of loads, intensity, stages of training.


It is known that the most important prerequisites for the success of the educational and training process of teaching the motor abilities of various contingent of students is the order of interrelation of various aspects of training (theoretical, physical, as well as technical), stages of preparation and a differentiated approach to the quantitative and qualitative side of training loads.   The article provides a study of the regularities of the construction of the training process in martial arts, in particular, the justification of the periodization of training loads, the place of training loads in the general educational process of the higher school of students. Special attention in this process is paid to the study of the components of the training impact, where one of the most important is the amount of training load, the content of which includes the volume and intensity of physical exercises on the example of teaching students the martial art of Ju-jutsu. The most informative indicators characterizing the readiness of students to study have been established.



How to Cite

Орлов , А. ., Есельбаева , А. ., Абдыкадырова , Д. ., Тауасарова , Д. ., & Тутибаев , К. . (2022). Peculiarities of Periodization of Training Loads of Student Youth at Different Stages of Practicing Martial Art Ju-Jutsu: Дзю-дзюцу жекпе-жек өнерінің әртүрлі кезеңдеріндегі студент жастардың жаттығу жүктемелерін кезеңдеудің ерекшеліктері. Theory and Methods of Physical Education, 70(4), 123–132.

