Monitoring physical activity in children and adolescents: selection of measurement tools
physical activity, physical fitness, children and adolescents, measuring instruments, anthropometry, tests in physical еducation.Abstract
This article reviews the results of a study aimed at monitoring the physical activity of children and adolescents in Kazakhstan. The aim of the study was to select and evaluate the effectiveness of different measurement tools for accurate determination of the level of physical activity, physical development and health of students. The study was conducted in five regions of Kazakhstan and Almaty city, with a total of 1,668 students in grades 4-11 participating. Data collection included anthropometric measurements, 4x10 shuttle run, standing long jump test, stand and reach flexibility test, pull-up on high and low bars, sit-up for1 minute, trunk extension for 30 seconds, and Beep-test. The results of the study made it possible to identify the most informative and reliable measurement methods. In addition, methods that do not have a high diagnostic value have been identified. For example, the Flamingo Balance test, often used in foreign sampling batteries, for determining static balance, and the Bent Arm Hang tests for determining the level of strength resistance of the shoulder-arm belt, have been excluded from further use. The considered instruments can be recommended for inclusion in the list of "Rules for conducting tests of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan".